The SUSTRACK – “Supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems” – is a three-year project aimed at supporting policymakers in their efforts to develop sustainable pathways to replace fossil and carbon-intensive systems with sustainable circular and biobased systems at the EU and regional scale. In this way it plans to contribute to achieving the European Green Deal’s objectives.
CARINA – Carinata and Camelina to boost EU farming systems
The “CARinata and CamelINA to boost the sustainable diversification in EU farming systems – CARINA” project builds on 2 new oilseed crops, Carinata and Camelina. They are special thanks to their ability to provide multiple low iLUC feedstocks for the bio-based economy.
ITHACA – Responsible artificial intelligence in civic participation
The ITHACA project aims to better understand the complexities and controversies for applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the field of civic participation. Also, to emulate new and responsible practices of research and innovation that anchor AI technologies design in human rights, values and principles, and moral and ethical reflection.
PROCEDIN – Procurement Capability – Embedding and Driving Innovation
The project PROCEDIN – Procurement capability for embedding and driving innovation aims to map, make more accessible, and promote the use of procurement of innovation
PEDAL Consulting is a partner in this project that is being coordinated by The University of Twente.
FOODCOST – FOOD costing and internalisation
The project FOODCoST – FOOD Costing and Internalisation of Externalities for System Transition aims to ensure a sustainable food system. Mainly by internalizing the externalities along the food value chain.
BUILD – Building capacities in innovation procurement for cities
The BUILD project aims to encourage cooperation and knowledge sharing between public buyers. Thus promote the use of public procurement to contribute to the development of sustainable innovation. In this way it will also
Skill Bill – ReSKILLing for sustainability
The project “SKILL BILL – Skill to boost innovation and professional fulfilment in a sustainable economy” aims to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth
ALFA – Unlocking biogas potential
The project “ALFA – Scaling up the market uptake of renewable
energy systems by unlocking the biogas potential of agriculture and livestock
farming” aims to support
SEIFA – Sustainable energy activation
The “SEIFA – Sustainable Energy Investing and Financing Activation” project is funded under the Horizon 2020 scheme. The
coordinator of the project is PEDAL Consulting.
Gen B – Educating young in bioeconomy
GenB is a project on Informing and educating young people on more sustainable behaviours and choices to build a future generation informed and interested in bioeconomy.
ROBIN – Circular bioeconomies
The project “ROBIN – Deploying circular BIOecoNomies at Regional level with a territorial approach” is set to empower Europe’s Regions. Especially with regard to the adaptation of their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets
RURALITIES – Climate, ecosystem and knowledge-based expertise
The project “RURALITIES – climate smart, ecosystem-enhancing and knowledge based rural expertise and training centres” delivers an ecosystem-enhancing and climate action driven expertise and learning framework.