Altfinator Parliament working breakfast has been postponed until further notice due to the Covid-19.
The event was planned to be hosted by MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, a member of the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and EP rapporteur responsible for a file on “Markets in financial instruments: crowdfunding service providers”.
Innovative SMEs and start-ups access to Alternative Finance (AF) instruments are being promoted by the European Commission throughout last years, and regulatory developments at the EU level on alternative finance, and particularly on crowdfunding, have been worked on at the European Parliament.
During the breakfast, attendees will have the opportunity to know first-hand the added value of the new European Crowdfunding regulation for the crowdfunding industry in Europe, the recent AF market developments and trends in the European Union, and recommendations from the Altfinator project to increase AF capacity in Europe.
Attendance will include Members of the European Parliament, representatives from the European Commission services, representatives from the Crowdfunding industry and multipliers (industry associations for SMEs; SME support organisations, information intermediaries-start-up hubs, accelerators, incubators-, business advisors, etc.), and Altfinator consortium members.
MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, Oliver Gajda (CEO, European Crowdfunding Network) and Gabor Vicze (Innomine) will present the initiatives conducted at the EP to boost a European crowdfunding ecosystem, its market development, and trends, and the Altfinator white paper conclusions to further stimulate AF capacity in Europe.
The breakfast will end with an open debate among participants moderated by Ronald Kleverlaan (Director, Crowdfundinghub).
