How to raise potential of rural areas discussed at RURALITIES meeting

To review the progress of RURALITIES initiative as well as to plan for the next semester were the main objectives of the project board meeting held in Brussels on 21st March. PEDAL Consulting joined the partners from different countries to go through ongoing activities and to align with future efforts. 

The meeting was organized by the Belgian partner INAGRO. On the way of seeking the potential for rural areas to foster sustainable development, a pre-meeting programme included a farm visit. The participants could have observed outdoor education in action at School@platteland. It is an example of how working and learning can be integrated into the authentic environment of an active farm. This approach can be replicated in other natural and heritage settings as well.

Planning ahead

During the meeting, the partners discussed the crucial tasks that will kick off in the next period. Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to fine-tune our upcoming deliverables, we also had a chance to identify synergies and made an action plan for the next 6 months.

From among the project future activities, let us pick up e.g.:

  • the cooperation with EU projects, European Commission and United Nation services,
  • the characterization of the SIMSES (Simplified rural socioeconomic systems) and national rural landscape,
  • the characterization of the pan-European and pan-African-Union rural landscape, establishing the ‘RURALITIES Co-Labs’ network,
  • the set-up of the FAST-TRACK Innovation Management Programme.

The meeting was a success as we were able to cover all the points on the agenda. Moreover, the RURALITIES project partners remain committed to working together to promote rural development and create new opportunities for communities in Europe and in Africa.

What is the RURALITIES project about?

The EU funded initiative aims to promote sustainable rural development by addressing challenges. Mainly those that rural areas are facing today, such as social exclusion, economic disparities, and environmental degradation. The project seeks to create new opportunities for rural communities by providing innovative solutions to these challenges.

Have a look at RURALITIES in a nutshell:
