PEDAL Consulting is partnering in an over €270,000 worth Erasmus Plus (KA2) project proposal, which was recently selected for funding by the National Agency in the UK.
Coordinated by NGi (UK), the “Young Goes Further” project will:
- Promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people; and
- Develop VET business partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms.
The other project partners are:
- Zespol Szkol Lacznosci, Poland
- Malta College of Arts Science and Technology, Malta
- Junior Achievement Bulgaria Foundation, Bulgaria
YouNG is an initiative run by Rushcliffe Borough Council that works with youth; it allows them to set up their own business and trade on a real life market and the Internet. It develops those soft skills that employers throughout the European Union look for in new recruits.
This new project builds upon a previous successful 2015 application, the resultant project finishes in August 2018 and is called: ‘YouNG Goes Euro’ 2015-1-UK01-KA202-013774. This project, where PEDAL is also a partner, has added international trade as a vital component of the programme and young people are now engaged in trade with their European counterparts. In short, we facilitate experiential enterprise education by supporting young people to create a business that trades at a real life market alongside professional stall holders.
Among others, we intend to engage more stakeholders in the implementation of the project, namely disadvantaged or disengaged students but also curriculum teacher/trainers and employers. Their participation in project delivery would add value for the students, this will focus on training for both target groups to enable them to take part in YouNG Market delivery.
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