11. March 2025, Bratislava (Slovakia): PEDAL Consulting, s.r.o., together with European partners has launched a novel initiative, Open Horizons. It is designed to close the funding and corporate network gap for women-led startups in deep tech. The main goal is to significantly enhance the scalability and market reach of women-led European companies through a strategic “paid-pilot” scheme over the next 26 months. The project will invest €1.2M into up to 39 start-ups.
Despite various European initiatives supporting women entrepreneurs, corporate investments remain an underutilised funding avenue. Unlike traditional venture capital, Corporate Venture Capital units operate within large corporations. They prioritize long-term growth, strategic partnerships, industry insights, corporate backing and corporate partners.
Open Horizons will establish a pathway for women-led startups to collaborate with large-scale corporates under an innovative funding and mentorship framework.
Key activities of the project include:
The initiative is coordinated by PEDAL Consulting possessing extensive experience in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and women-led initiatives through innovation procurement. Furthermore, the consortium consists of:
Additionally, Open Horizons will collaborate with a network of associated corporate partners, such as e.g. Siemens Industry Software, Stahl, Repsol, and Arneplant. They will support the development and implementation of innovative tech solutions in energy, industry, advanced software, and retail sectors.
Contact person and Project Coordinator:
Zuzana Velika, PEDAL Consulting
This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 101193231. This press release reflects the views only of the author, and all partners of the project OPEN HORIZONS and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.